
Instructions for the 19th International Student Competition in Furniture and Interior Design Professor Jindřich Halabala Award 2023

Organiser of the 19th year of competition:
Department of Furniture Design and Wood Products
Faculty of Wood Sciences and Technology
Technical University in Zvolen

Professor Jindřich Halabala Award 2023 will take place according to the Terms and Conditions of the Competition under the auspices of the Dean of the Faculty of Wood Sciences and Technology, Technical University in Zvolen. Guarantor of the competition: Deptartment of Furniture Design and Interior.

Object of the Competition
Professor Jindřich Halabala Award 2023 will be awarded, following the competition, to a student or team of students for the best project in the field of furniture and interior design created in the academic year 2022/2023 within the study (studio work).

Competition Participants
University students from various states of the European Union studying designer study branches aimed at furniture and interior design can take part in the international competition with their projects. Students enrol the project in the competition by the approval of the school.

Competition History and Aims
The competition is named after Jindřich Halabala, a prominent personality of the 20th century furniture production in the former Czecholovakia. Since the interwar period to his death in 1978 professor Halabala participated significantly in increasing of living standards and in production of new, modern lifestyle. His work activities at the former University of Forestry and Wood Technology in Zvolen (today’s Technical University in Zvolen) influenced indirectly the foundation of the present-day Department of Furniture Design and Wood Products. This department, in cooperation with the Woodworking Congress of the Association of the Slovak Scientific and Technological Societies Zvolen, organised the 5th International Symposium “Furniture 2004” in October 2004. At this symposium, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Jindřich Halabala, the 1st student competition was announced as a tribute to his life-work. Since then Professor Jindřich Halabala Award has taken place annually. Guarantors and organisers of the competition are, alternately, the Technical University in Zvolen and Mendel University in Brno. The Terms and Conditions of the Competition were approved by the Academic Councils of both universities standing at the beginning of this event. The competition Professor Jindřich Halabala Award has been opened also for participants from other countries of the European union since 2013. Main aims of the competition are long-term support of the quality improvement of students’ work, creation of space for confrontation of creative ideas at an international level and improvement of communication between academic environment and practice.

Timetable of the 19th Year of Competition
Announcement of the competition and competition conditions: 5.6.2023
Date for submission of the application forms (online registration): 6.9.2023
Result electronic way: 13.9.2023 Date for submission of competition projects: 5.10.2023
Assessment and exhibition of competition projects in Zvolen: 26.10.2023

Competition Categories:
1 Furniture Design – semester projects
2 Furniture Design – Bachelor’s degree projects, Master’s degree projects
3 Interior Design – semester projects
4 Interior Design – Bachelor’s degree projects, Master’s degree projects
5 Category proposed by the organising university for the 9th year of competition: student projects in the context of the competition topic: NONfurniture

Application Form
Deadline for on-line application forms: September 6, 2023 Each student can enrol maximum 2 competition proposals.

Electronic online application consists of the form and accompanying text to the project in the range of 1,800 – 3,600 typewritten characters. Author’s evidence describes the philosophy of the competition project, sources of inspiration, designer ideas development, creative process and creation methods. Further parts of the application form are views of the final product presenting competition proposal (visualisation, sketch scan, photography of the model). Pictures must not contain any text. Format: jpg, resolution 150 dpi, size A4. Picture description: Number of category_surname and name of the student_school (abbreviation)_picture number

Requirements for the Delivery of Competition Proposals
Please, send the projects to the address of the competition curator:
Technická univerzita vo Zvolene / Technical University in Zvolen
Mgr. art. Luboš Gajdoš, ArtD.,
T.G. Masaryka 24
960 01 Zvolen
Slovenská republika / Slovak Republic
Deadline for accepting of competition proposals (posters, models, prototypes): 5.10.2023
Projects delivered after this date will not be accepted.

Only complete project, submitted to the curator in accordance with released competition conditions will be assessed. Transport and insurance of exhibits are provided by the author of competition proposal (school).

Requirements for the Outputs in Individual Competition Categories:

1st and 2nd category

Furniture design – semester projects
Furniture design – Bachelor’s degree projects, Master’s degree projects

A/ Elaboration of the idea proposal on a poster 700x1000mm (graphic proposal, visualisation); graphic elaboration of the poster requires unified system of marking (APENDIX: Sample – poster frame); printing has to be carried out on a semi-matte paper 250g/m2.

B/ 3D model or prototype in a scale 1:1 is required

C/ Electronic materials on CD/DVD:

  1. pictures presenting idea proposal (sketch scan, visualisations, photographs of the model), app. A4, resolution 300 dpi, format jpg;
  2. electronic poster 700x1000mm in pdf format, in print quality.

D/ Electronic on-line application (form, accompanying text to the project, views).

3rd category

Interior design – semester projects

A/ Elaboration of the idea proposal on a poster 700x1000mm – space and space elements with application of lighting (graphic proposal, visualisation); graphic elaboration of the poster requires unified system of marking (APENDIX: Sample – poster frame); printing has to be carried out on a semi-matte paper 250g/m2.

B/ Electronic materials on CD/DVD:

  1. best presenting pictures of the idea proposal (sketch scan, visualisations, photographs of the model), app. A4, resolution 300 dpi, format jpg;
  2. electronic poster in pdf format, in print quality.

C/ Electronic on-line application (form, accompanying text to the project, views).

4th category

Interior design – Bachelor’s degree projects, Master’s degree projects

A/ Elaboration of the idea proposal on a poster 700x1000mm – space and space elements with application of lighting (graphic proposal, visualisation); graphic elaboration of the poster requires unified system of marking (APENDIX: Sample – poster frame); printing has to be carried out on a semi-matte paper 250g/m2.

B/ Elaboration of a model in scale is required.

C/ Electronic materials on CD/DVD:

  1. best presenting pictures of the idea proposal (sketch scan, visualisations, photographs of the model), app. A4, resolution 300 dpi, format jpg;
  2. electronic poster in pdf Format, in print quality.

D/ Electronic on-line application (form, accompanying text to the project, views).

5th category

Furniture and Interior Design – doctoral academic students

A/ Elaboration of the idea proposal on a poster 700x1000mm (graphic proposal, visualisation); graphic elaboration of the poster requires unified system of marking (APENDIX: Sample – poster frame); printing has to be carried out on a semi-matte paper 250g/m2

B/ Furnitur: 3D model or prototype in a scale 1:1 is required Interior: 3D model or prototype in a scale is required

C/ Electronic materials:

pictures presenting idea proposal (sketch scan, visualisations, photographs of the model), app. A4, resolution 300 dpi, format jpg /max 5MB/

electronic poster 700x1000mm in pdf format, in print quality.

D/ Electronic on-line application (form, accompanying text to the project, views).

Competition Language

Assessment of the Competition
Jury will be appointed by the Dean of the Faculty of Wood Sciences and Technology in Zvolen from among the pedagogues of participating universities, invited representatives of professional practice and Slovak Centre of Design. The jury will assess all enrolled projects. The best student projects will be exhibited. The organiser will invite the competitors via e-mail to take part in the competition assessment that will take place during the vernissage in Zvolen and will inform the media about competition results. After the end of exhibition the organiser will ask the authors to take over the competition projects, provide for the publishing of catalogue and its distribution to competitors.

Travelling Exhibition of Winning Projects
Awarded projects will be included into travelling exhibition that will present the best competition proposals also in other Slovak towns and abroad during 2014.